this is a piece of my life
this is my food, my poop
Mock or Discreet
What ever... It doesn't matter
so welcome and unwelcome
to my gray-full space...

Friday, October 3, 2008

“acoustic is evil series - queen”

Taken from the same personal work I did, “Acoustic is
Evil”. The idea and design are the same, just a different
pose with the character.


yes said...

sy gak ngerti apa maksudnya acoustic is evil. tpi klo dari gambarnya sih nih cw kyknya abis diperkosa terus dia mo bunuh diri gitu... betul kan do

Mr. Wallowbee said...

hahahahaha...salah pak! ACOUSTIC IS EVIL itu merupakan suatu interpretasi pribadi, utk menyindir wanita yg suka BERGOSIP, sayangnya gambar yg gw oplot! kecil... jd kl dilita scr detail, arsiran yg berbentuk bayangan tsb merupakan OTOT, jadi akibat GOSSIP mempengaruhi kita, wanita yg cantik pun bs terlihat buruk krn GOSSIP.. jd dgn kata laen, terlihat ASLInya (tembus pandang) nah untuk pistol dgn ada petir... itu mksdnya gossip itu kabar yg sangat cepat MENYAMBAR! dan sangat jelas TERASA DAMPAKNYA.. gt Ser! gossip merupakan TRIGGER yg memberi dampak buruk, sehingga terlihat aja sisi BURUk seseorg....


Personal Interpretation

1. Wallow (verb) as "Wallow In" (of a person), indulge in unrestained way in (something that creates a pleasurable sensation)
2. bee (Phrase) as "have a bee in one's bonnet" meaning, be preoccupied or obsessed about something, esp. a scheme or plan of action

WALLOWBEE, obsessed about details & pattern, and very much indulged by it


A guy with a strapped head on electricity, while that fucking dodo bird kept JOLTING that fucking lever!!


Hey Ho!!

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Insertions & Ejaculate