this is a piece of my life
this is my food, my poop
Mock or Discreet
What ever... It doesn't matter
so welcome and unwelcome
to my gray-full space...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

“self dream”

A poster made for a personal client – a visualization
of his dreams to be a professional photographer. The rainbow
represents a massive amount of ideas flowing through
the client’s head, causing the crystal-face shining brightly
being full of ideas. The forest resembled his extreme
comfort and true passion as a photographer, and
the rain drops being the obstacles. The white doves are
his symbol of expressing to the world for his
professionalism in his area of expertise. The basic
concept of this illustration is about how following
one’s dream of being a professional photographer
is possible, even though going through certain obstacles.


PT. Citra Amantosa Sejati said...

gambar mukanya kaya kaca patri yah. keren2.

Mr. Wallowbee said...

oh iya... critanya pgn ber "mejikuhibiniu" gt2 deh... heheheh


Personal Interpretation

1. Wallow (verb) as "Wallow In" (of a person), indulge in unrestained way in (something that creates a pleasurable sensation)
2. bee (Phrase) as "have a bee in one's bonnet" meaning, be preoccupied or obsessed about something, esp. a scheme or plan of action

WALLOWBEE, obsessed about details & pattern, and very much indulged by it


A guy with a strapped head on electricity, while that fucking dodo bird kept JOLTING that fucking lever!!


Hey Ho!!

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Insertions & Ejaculate